
Non vox, sed votum

(Not words but deeds)

Nagle Family Motto


COP 28 (30 Nov – 12 Dec  2023)

COP 28 refers to the United Nations Climate Change Conference taking place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from 30 November until 12 December 2023. UN Climate Change conferences (or COPs) take place every year, and are the world’s only multilateral decision-making forum on climate change with almost complete membership of every country in the world.  COP is where the world comes together to agree on ways to address the climate crisis, such as limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius, helping vulnerable communities adapt to the effects of climate change, and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. More than 70,000 delegates are expected to attend COP28, including the member states (or Parties) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Business leaders, young people, climate scientists, Indigenous Peoples, journalists, and various other experts and stakeholders are also among the participants.

More about: UN Climate Change Conferences.  More about: COP28

Lionel Kelland Hospice Ribbon Cutting Ceremony(23 November 2023)

In response to an identified gap in Newfoundland and Labrador’s health care continuum, in 2016 the Presentation Sisters donated St. Catherine’s Renewal Centre (formerly St. Catherine’s Convent) in Grand Falls–Windsor for use as a residential hospice for the central NL area, providing end-of-life comfort, care and dignity for patients, and support for their loved ones. With re-development substantially complete, the Hospice was unveiled to the public on November 23.  Presentation continues to provide support for this important initiative.

A number of Presentation Sisters with connection to Grand Falls – Winsor attended the ceremony, including Hospice Board members Sr Betty Rae Lee, Sr Roisin Gannon and Sr Lois Greene (attending virtually from Ireland).  Click HERE to view a video of the event. Click HERE to read CBC news coverage.   

Presentation Day (Saturday, 21 November 2023)

Presentation Day is the special feast day of the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It commemorates the consecration to God of Mary, daughter of Anne and Joachim, at the Temple in Jeruslem.

Happy Presentation Day to Presentation People everywhere!

[Right: Detail from Titian’s Presentation of the Virgin Mary]


Truth and Reconciliation Day (Saturday, 30 September 2023)

September 30th is Canada’s National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The day acknowledges the colonial legacy of residential schools and the broader negative impacts of European settlement upon Canada’s Indigenous Peoples, as European settlers imposed their laws, languages, behavioral norms and spiritual practices, virtually erasing traditional Indigenous culture.

This day is also known as Orange Shirt Day, in honour of a little girl who, on arrival at her new school, was broken-hearted because all her belongings from home, including her beautiful new orange shirt, were taken away and never given back. The orange shirt has become a symbol of everything Indigenous people have lost since European settlement of Canada 

At the Presentation Motherhouse in St John’s, the Sisters honour this day with special prayer and reflection and by adopting it as a as a paid holiday for staff. How can we as Presentation People observe Truth and Reconciliation Day? Indigenous organizations offer a few suggestions:

  • We can wear Orange in solidarity with Residential School survivors – any garment or accessory works – t-shirts, dresses, sweaters, scarfs, ball caps, whatever.
  • We can acknowledge the land of our province as the ancestral homeland of the Beothuk and Mi’kmaq (Island of Newfoundland) and the Innu and Inuit (Labrador).
  • We can learn more about the diverse histories and cultures of Indigenous Newfoundlanders and Labradorians: First Light, an organization of and for our province’s Indigenous peoples, has an informative website here: https://firstlightnl.ca/
  • We can reflect on our own relationships with Indigenous peoples, asking such questions as:
  • Do I know any indigenous people? If not, why?
  • Am I able to name the traditional territory I stand on? [Ktaqmkuk] If not, why?
  • Have I read an indigenous author? If not, why?
  • And we can share our thoughts and reflections with fellow employees during coffee breaks and lunches; we all chat about something or other when we meet!

Truth & Reconciliation Day is more than “just another holiday” – it is a Holy Day, established to give focus to our efforts to understand our Indigenous fellow citizens and, hopefully, build better relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people.


The Lantern, a Community Life Centre

The Lantern welcomes all seekers and offers opportunities for development of spirituality, formation of community, and promotion of justice.
For information regarding programs and events :
E-mail: information@thelantern.ca
Web: www.thelantern.ca Telephone: 709-753-8760 


For more information see:
our Ministry Page.


Nano Nagle Spirituality Centre Programs

(Officially closed as of December 2023)

At our Centre in Barachois Brook, we offered a contemplative, natural setting:

  • If you are longing for quiet space
  • If you need someone to listen
  • If you need care and support in decision making
  • If you are seeking to understand yourself
  • If you want to be good to yourself

We are deeply grateful to Sr Betty Daniels and all who served in this ministry so generously and faithfully for so many years.

Learn more about our Virginia Water Contemplative Centre on our Ministry page.

Virginia Water Contemplative Centre

Located on Virginia Lake in in St. John’s, Virginia Water Contemplative Centre is a sacred space of welcoming, inviting individuals and groups to share in the Centre’s vision, honouring the Universe and Earth as our home. Come, relax and enjoy, participate in happenings hosted by the Centre or avail of the space as a wonderful setting to offer a program of your own.
You can e-mail the Centre at  virginiawatercc@presentationsisters.ca for more information, or to go on their mailing list,  or to inquire about booking the space.

The Gathering Place


The Gathering Place is a Community Health Centre committed to building community, promoting equality and providing food, clothing, medical and dental help, and counselling and other services, to vulnerable individuals in our community. Originally established in 1994 by The Sisters of Mercy and the Presentation Sisters in response to the needs of those seeking food … in recent years, programs and services have been added through collaboration with other partners to address the complex needs of Guests.


To learn more, visit https://sheilaleonard.ca 
See Fall 2024 Flyer
See Sheila’s  NEWS page for continuous updates re new happenings as well as “weather” updates for free outdoor summer Wellness Sessions in July and August from 12:00 – 1:00 on Government House lawn.

 T’ai Chi Chih: Awakening the Energy Within

T’ai Chi Chih, Joy thru Movement,  is a series of 20 gentle, easy to learn movements virtually anyone can do, seated or standing, to help Activate, Balance and Circulate the natural Energy in our bodies for greaterc wellness, vitality and joy and so much more.
New 8-week in-person sessions at The Lantern, 35 Barnes Road in St. John’s, generally begin in September, January and April, with some Saturday Retreat Day options at Virginia Water Contemplative Centre, 47 Parsonage Drive, St. John’s.   Summers for July and August you are invited to join us from 12:00 – 1:00 on Government House lawn for free Lunch Hour Wellness Sessions! Tuesdays for T’ai Chi Chih and Thursdays for Wisdom Healing Qigong. All welcome!

As students continue to affirm, ”Doing it just feels good!”

To learn more, visit https://sheilaleonard.ca 
See Fall 2024 Flyer
See Sheila’s  NEWS page for continuous updates re new happenings as well as “weather” updates for free outdoor summer Wellness Sessions in July and August from 12:00 – 1:00 on Government House lawn.

Wisdom Healing Qigong: Awakening the Energy Within

Through posture alignment, gentle movement, vibration, and visualization, the ancient mindfulness practice of Wisdom Healing Qigong frees up our natural energy. Can be done by virtually anyone, seated or standing. It calms and focuses the mind, re-energizing the body for greater wellness, vitality and joy and so much more.
New 8-week in-person sessions at The Lantern, 35 Barnes Road in St. John’s, generally begin in September, January and April, with some Saturday Retreat Day options at Virginia Water Conemplative Centre on Virginia Lake at 47 Parsonage Drive, St. John’s.  Summers for July and August you are invited to join us from 12:00 – 1:00 on Government House lawn for free Lunch Hour Wellness Sessions! Tuesdays for T’ai Chi Chih and Thursdays for Wisdom Healing Qigong. All welcome!

As students continue to affirm, ”Doing it just feels good!”

Veiled Virgin Sculpture & Virtual Tours

“The Veiled Virgin” marble sculpture is an amazing work of art that truly has to be seen to be believed.  Click HERE for more information or visit our Contacts & Resources Page.

Viewings of the Veiled Virgin sculpture offered throughout the summer on: Monday – Sunday, 10:00am – 11:45 and 1:00 – 3:45pm. Due to periodic changes in COVID precautionary measures, we encourage you to call our Motherhouse (709-753-7291) before visiting to enquire about or to schedule viewings.

NOTICE: There will  be no Veiled Virgin visits during the week of October 21-25, owing to the ongoing renovation project in the Motherhouse.

Visit the Tours section on our Contacts and Resources page for links to Virtual Tours of our Motherhouse Drawing Room, Oratory and Chapel.

Happenings / News Archive

Happenings Archive

COP 26 - Annual UN Climate Conference (Oct 31 – Nov 12, 2021)

Click HERE for United Nations Climate Change Web Site
Click HERE for Opening Ceremony on November 1st
Click HERE for Sir David Attenborough's address at the opening of the Summit
COP 26 Info Sheet with abundant references to choose from (PDF)
Suggested COP 26 Prayer for everyday (PDF)

We encourage each of us to follow the World Leaders Summit on Climate Change and engage with the material as life and time allow. Together let us do all in our power to urge our decision makers at every level to make choices that will enable a sustainable future for all and to support them by our own personal choices.

Season of Creation 2021 - September 1 - 4th

Pope Francis states that the Season of Creation is a "season of increased prayer and effort on behalf of our common home." Click this web link or see this PDF for more information and resources to join in solidarity with others in celebrating this important time in communion with our world-wide community of brothers and sisters.

Laudato Si Week May 16 to 24th, 2021
"For we know that things can change."

Laudato Si Week is said to be the crowning event of the special Laudato Si Anniversary Year, December 2020 - 2021, and an invitation to reflect on the progress the whole Church and indeed the world is making on our journey to ecological conversion. We encourage you to respond to Pope Francis` invitation to join in the celebrations. Click here for the Video of Pope Francis' invitation.

We encourage you to copy and share the link. The sign-up for webinars for the week may be found on that same page, and much more. Laudato Si` Week 2021 will also be a time to reflect on what the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us and prepare for the future with hope.

International Mother Earth Day - April 22, 2021
Theme: "Restore Our Earth"

The solar system reminds us that, just as the Earth is not at the center of the Universe, neither are we humans the center of the Earth. We, along with the rest of the natural world, are all interconnected within the larger web of life. In 2009, the UN General Assembly proclaimed April 22nd as International Mother Earth Day.

In so doing, Member States acknowledged that the Earth and its ecosystems are our common home and expressed their conviction that it is necessary to promote Harmony with Nature in order to achieve a just balance among the economic, social and environmental needs of present and future generations. (Taken from UN Harmony with Nature site at www.harmonywithnatureun.org)

We invite you to reflect on how you/we might take up that challenge personally and collaboratively.

2019- St. Mary's 160th Anniversary of the coming of the Presentation Sisters

On August 31, 2019 the community of St. Mary's, NL celebrated the 160th Anniversary of the coming of the Presentation Sisters. We invite you to see the attached links and relive the celebration with us ...

Transitioning from India to NL to Dominica –
November/December 2018

Sister Annmary Andrews, a Presentation Sister from India, has responded to an invitation sent out by our NL Leadership Team for Sisters who would like to be part of our Presentation Ministry/Community in Dominica. Annmary had spent three weeks with us here in NL November 15th to December 9th before going to Dominica. Click HERE to read Annmary's reflection on her transitioning experience.

2018 - The 300th Anniversary of the Birth of our Foundress, Nano Nagle

  • Launch of the Anniversary at our Motherhouse in St. John’s PDF
  • 300th 3-D Anniversary Banner and Reflection PDF
  • Pilgrimage to Ireland to celebrate the Anniversary PDF
  • Pilgrim's Memories - NL Ireland 300th Pilgrimage PDF
  • Pilgrimage - 4 Video Links:
  • Opening Ritual (30 min)   Part One, (55 min)   Part Two, (40 min)   Combined (43 min)
  • Open House Day - Celebrating Nano's Tercentenary PDF
  • Associates' Arts and Culture Centre Presentation Stephenville, NL PDF (NEW May 2019)
  • Associates Prison Outreach Project PDF

Congregational Gathering 2018, Union of the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Ireland, April 17 - May 14, 2018

  • Visit Web Site.
  • Prayer for the Gathering: See PDF.
  • Opening Address by Sister Mary Deane, Congregational Leader. See PDF.
  • Symbol Reflection shared by our NL Delegates
  • Theme: "Nano Aflame! Stoking our Passion … Becoming Fire … Radiating Love"
    Song "Nano Aflame"
  • Newly Elected Congregational Leadership Team 2018 – 2024 See PDF.

Closing of St. Patrick’s Convent, St. John’s, NL Canada
A Celebration was held on September 11, 2016 to mark the closing of St. Patrick’s Convent after 160 years of ministry amongst and in partnership with the people of St. Patrick’s Parish.

  • Press Conference re the Gifting of St. Patrick's Convent to the City of St. John's, November 3, 2016
  • Our Closing Celebration pdf
  • Address by Sister Betty Rae Lee, Provincial Leader pdf
  • Tribute posted in Parish Bulletin pdf

NL Provincial Gathering 2016

In 2014 as the NL Congregation of Presentation Sisters we marked our Fusion with the world-wide Union of Presentation Sisters and became a Province of Union. In what was a moving and historical moment for us, we held our first NL Provincial Gathering at The Lantern in St. John's from June 27th-30th. Indeed, "We Walk One!"

Click HERE to share more of our Gathering 2016 story.  (The music links in the article will open up in a new window for listening … click the back arrow to return to reading the story).

St. Catherine’s Renewal Centre
Gifted as a Hospice Centre (June 9, 2016)

In a Press Release in Grand Falls-Windsor Thursday, June 9th , the gifting was announced of St. Catherine’s Renewal Centre by the Presentation Sisters as a Hospice Centre where Palliative Care will be provided for the dying and support offered for their families.

The Centre has now become the Lionel Kelland Hospice, with renovation plans now underway and an anticipated opening date of Spring 2023.

Click here to visit the website (https://lionelkellandhospice.ca/ )

Fusion of our Congregation of the Sisters of the Presentation in Newfoundland and Labrador with the Congregation of the Union of Presentation Sisters world-wide,
November 1, 2014

Click here for details of the initial announcement.
Click here for the Invitation to Fusion Ritual Celebration
Click here for Fusion Gala Concert Invitation
Click here for the Fusion Ritual Celebration Reflection by Sister Mary Deane, Union Congregational Leader
Click here for the Fusion Ritual Celebration Reflection by Sister Sharon Fagan, NL Unit Leader.

Nano Nagle, Foundress of the Presentation Sisters, Declared Venerable October 31, 2013

  • Nano Nagle Declared Venerable (pdf)
  • Reflection by Elena Hoye – “On the Occasion of Nano Nagle Being Declared Venerable (pdf)
  • Sandy’s Nano Celebration from Cork, November 21st –A Profound Experience (pdf)
  • Invitation to May 7th Liturgy Celebration and Reception (pdf) (slideshow)
  • Reflection by Sharon Fagan, NL Congregational Leader at May 7th Venerable Nano Nagle Liturgy (pdf)
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