
Regular reflection enables us to shape our lives in harmony with our call to …
“Act Justly,
Love tenderly
Walk humbly with your God”.
(C4) Micah 6:8


 Over the 2023  Christmas Season, as winter deepened and 2023 was gradually becoming 2024, the Presentation Community of Newfoundland and Labrador lost four beloved Sisters. While we grieve their loss along with their birth families, we rejoice with them that they are gone home to God. Reflections on their lives and service, posted as they become available, can be read by clicking the LINKS below.

Departure for Church – Reflection: Sr Barbara Phelan – December 2023: CLICK HERE

Vigil Reflection: Sr Angela McGrath – December 2023: CLICK HERE 

Vigil Reflection: Sr Carmelita MacNeil – January 2024: CLICK HERE 

Vigil Reflection: Sr Agnes Hutchings – January 2024: CLICK HERE 

Vigil Reflection: Sr. Elizabeth  Quinlan – June 2024:  CLICK HERE

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